Friday, May 15, 2009

Wallpaper Can Make one more attraction for view

Early wallpaper featured scenes similar to those depicted on tapestries, and large sheets of the paper were sometimes hung loose on the walls, in the style of tapestries, and sometimes pasted as today.Some time banner some time it show people personality.In the film and Television sector where main concept to show people.So they useing wallpaper for marketing.Read more

To Love People

Philanthropy derives from Ancient Greek, meaning "to love
people". Richard Wallace loves poor children and the elderly. In
his travels around the world he has seen the people's needs up
close and personal, inspiring him to use his talents and get
involved. He personally supports poor families in the Caribbean
and other parts of the world. He is completely raising a 4 year
old child who calls him grandfather and he considers her to be
his real grand child! Read more